Under the Sea Sunshine Adult Daycare Art Workshop, Monticello, NY Mondays 3-5pm and Tuesdays 10-12pm Canvas Drawing 4"x4" Under the Sea Sunshine Adult Daycare Art Workshop, Monticello, NY Mondays 3-5pm and Tuesdays 10-12pm _____________________________________ Goal: To aide in emotional conflicts, self-awareness, developing social skills, managing behavior, reducing anxiety, and increasing self-esteem. This free form of expression gives pride in their own work by reducing the need to compare themselves to others, an unfortunate problem seen today. _____________________________________ Under the Sea Sunshine Adult Daycare Art Workshop, Monticello, NY Mondays 3-5pm and Tuesdays 10-12pm ____________________________________________________________________ Canvas Bag Drawing and Painting Under the Sea Sunshine ADC (S...
Expressive Art & Design - A home away from home